Rabu, 30 November 2016

Breastfeeding Patterns Affect Weight Babies - Kompas.co

Breastfeeding Patterns Affect Weight Babies - Kompas.co
Q: Please help, my son every month weight gain 4-6 ounces of birth. Lust drinking milk is also reduced, in contrast to her sister first. How to become stronger babies drink milk? Please jawabannya.Nora, 31, Sidoarjo.Jawab: Dear Mrs. Nora, Worried yes it feels that the addition of the baby weight did not match our expectations. Moreover, drinking his mother's milk of the mother is not as strong observation dulu.Di brother here is not clear how the age of the baby and how the baby's weight gain trend compared with the growth curve. Frequency of urination (BAK) and defecation (BAB) is also the information required for the adequacy ASI.Penambahan measure how the weight does not match the growth curve could be due to several things. Feeding pattern is one of them. Do infants only breast feeding directly into it, is there other than breast milk intake, how to position the baby's mouth breastfeeding and attachment to the breast, how long the baby suckles at the breast, and how often the baby feeds in one another hari.Faktor that can also affect weight gain The baby is the physical condition of the baby. How is the health of newborns, if there are complications in the baby's mouth that makes the baby can not breastfeed psychological efektif.Kondisi mother can also affect the smooth flow of milk. How to support the family and the immediate environment of the mother's desire to breastfeed. How does it feel to baby and mother during her brother after birth bayi.Untuk could figure out what causes less weight gain and how best solution helps the mother to meet with a counselor / consultant breastfeeding mother's residence in the city or in the lactation clinic nearby. In Sidoarjo mother can contact to AIMI East Java Branch in konseling@jatim.aimi-asi.org.Demikian, hopefully membantu.Dhani YuniarcoKonselor Breastfeeding - Chairman of the Central Java AIMI

bean green coffee manfaat

Sabtu, 05 November 2016

AICE: Coffee Prices Still Depressed Industry-trade

AICE: Coffee Prices Still Depressed Industry-trade
Semarang - Indonesia Coffee Exporters Association states of Central Java coffee prices are still depressed due to unstable market conditions.
Coffee prices are still depressed due to market conditions not yet stabilized, in addition to our crops is large enough, the head of Central Java AICE Mulyono Susilo in Semarang on Sunday.
According to him, the current price of arabica coffee when compared to the beginning of the year has decreased by about 40 percent, while robusta coffee price decline of about 25 percent.
Currently the price of robusta coffee around Rp 22,000 / kg, while for arabica between Rp 50-60000 / kg.g He said he hopes the decline is no longer going to remember this for the price was at a low level.
The hope prices can be increased along with the high demand for coffee from the market. However, I am not sure the price increase will occur significantly as the crop has not been normal, he said.
Admittedly, the circumstances are quite dangerous for the coffee market in Central Java. If there are problems in the supply process, it can happen that the extreme price volatility.
I personally predict the rise in prices will occur from the second half of this year, however the increase is probably no more than 20 percent, he said.
Meanwhile, Mulyono predict crop yields that occurred this year are likely to be delayed by el nino season.
El nino rains late this result, the impact is too late planting coffee. By doing so, the harvest of coffee will also certainly too late, he said.
If the harvest is usually done around April-May, for this year predicted the harvest will be done in June-July.



Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Hormon Tiroid Jadi Kendala untuk Hamil?


Hormon Tiroid Jadi Kendala untuk Hamil?

Terdapat banyak aspek yang bikin seorang mungkin saja atau tak memperoleh anak. Satu diantaranya, hormon tiroid. Apa serta bagaimana dampak hormon ini pada kesuburan serta peluang memiliki kandungan kembali? Dr. Caroline Tirtajasa, Sp. OG, dokter spesialis Kebidanan serta Penyakit Kandungan RS Omni Medical Centre, Pulomas menyampaikan, tinggi atau rendahnya kandungan hormon tiroid pasti bakal punya pengaruh pada kesuburan seorang. Hormon-hormon reproduksi tidak bisa bekerja dengan seimbang bila kandungan hormon tiroid sangat tinggi atau sangat rendah. Siklus menstruasi tak teratur serta tingkat kesuburan juga bakal begitu rendah. Bahkan juga dapat menyebabkan kondisi susah hamil. Jikalau berlangsung kehamilan, umumnya akan tidak jalan baik bila hormon tiroidnya tak termonitor. Peluang dapat muncul insiden yang tinggi untuk terjadinya preeklampsia, tidak berhasil jantung, tingginya angka keguguran serta outcome prenatal yang jelek (Intrauterine Growth Retardation). Karenanya, seorang dengan kandungan hormon tiroid yang tinggi (hipertiroid) disarankan untuk terlebih dulu mengontrol kandungan hormon tiroidnya sebelumnya mengawali program atau gagasan untuk hamil. Jadi Anda diijinkan hamil sesudah hormon tiroid Anda termonitor. Diagnosis hipertiroid dapat diperoleh lewat tanda-tanda klinis, seperti frekwensi denyut jantung lebih cepat, tangan gemetar, gampang keringat. Diluar itu, dapat diliat dari hasil kontrol laboratorium, yang tunjukkan tingginya kandungan hormon tiroksin (T4) serta rendahnya kandungan thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Miss V Dibelai Keluar Banyak Cairan


Miss V Dibelai Keluar Banyak Cairan

T. Saat saya membelai vagina pacar saya, banyak cairan seperti air keluar, apakah ini normal atau pacar saya alami beser hingga air kencing keluar? J. Hal itu dapat berbentuk cairan normal vagina yang terkadang bisa tercampur dengan air kencing. Bergantung dari berapakah banyak air yang keluar. Bila masih tetap dalam jumlah normal, Anda tak perlu cemas.