Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

It's Safe Limit Consuming Caffeine for Pregnant Women According to Diet Experts

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It's Safe Limit Consuming Caffeine for Pregnant Women According to Diet Experts


Jakarta, Throughout the pregnancy, not a few women who refrain from eating foods or beverages that they generally enjoy such as sushi, seafood, and ice cream including cafein that in fact be 'fine dining' daily life of some people. Melanie McGrice, an accredited dietitian and spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia, said that caffeine is the most common drug in the world and is found in leaves, grains, and fruits as well as from plants such as tea leaves, coffee beans and seeds chocolate. Some large people consuming caffeine everyday in the form of coffee, tea, chocolate, kola, and power drinks that have the effect of stimulants when used in low doses. But, is caffeine safe for pregnant women to consume? "" The foundation in Australia recommends that you limit your consumption to no more than 200 mg / day. So you can consume one to two instant coffee a day and two to three cups of tea, "" said McGrice who just launched a book called The Pregnancy Weight Plan to give healthy eating tips for pregnant women. If you like to buy coffee at a coffee shop, McGrice refers you to buy a small amount of cappuccino or latte only. Therefore, coffee in the coffee shop has more caffeine content than instant coffee. According to McGrice the interesting thing is that many women do not have the desire to consume caffeinated beverages throughout pregnancy. However, you also need to calculate the daily consumption of caffeine by calculating the amount of tea, cola, chocolate, or other light beverages. Not only that, mentioned McGrice, the amount of consuming some snacks such as biscuits, chips, or cereals is also worth considering, so taken from abc. net. au, Tuesday (1/4/2014). "" Indeed the content of caffeine varies in each product. The impact is also different for everyone. If you doubt if consuming caffeine can still interfere with the development of the fetus, you either reduce or even stop eating caffeine throughout pregnancy, "" said McGrice. (rdn / vit)

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Here's a Limit Safe Consumption of Caffeine for Pregnant Women According to Diet Experts Jakarta, During pregnancy, not a few women who refrain to mengasup foods or drinks they normally enjoy such as sushi, seafood, and ice cream, including caffeine which in fact becomes 'fine dining' everyday the majority of people.Published Melanie McGrice, an accredited dietitian and spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia, is basically caffeine is the most common drug used in the world and is found in leaves, grains, and fruits including from various plants such as leaves tea, coffee beans, and cocoa beans. Most people consume caffeine every day in the form of coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, and energy drinks that have a stimulant effect if used in low doses. However, is caffeine safe for pregnant women to consume? "" Guidelines in Australia recommend that you limit your intake to no more than 200 mg per day. So you can eat one to two instant coffee a day and two to three cups of tea, "" said McGrice who recently released a book titled 'The Pregnancy Weight Plan' to provide a healthy eating guide for pregnant women.If you like to buy coffee at coffee shop , McGrice recommends you buy one small serving of cappuccino or latte only. Therefore, coffee in coffee shops contain more caffeine than instant coffee. According to McGrice the interesting thing is that many women have no desire to consume caffeinated beverages during pregnancy. Even so, you also need to calculate your daily caffeine intake by counting the consumption of tea, cola, chocolate, or other soft drinks. Not only that, says McGrice, the amount of consumption of some snacks such as biscuits, chips, or cereals is also worth your calculation, as quoted from abc.net.au, Tuesday (1/4/2014). "" Indeed caffeine levels vary in each product . The effect is different for each person. If you doubt that caffeine consumption can still interfere with fetal growth, you better reduce or even stop the consumption of caffeine during pregnancy, "" said McGrice. (Rdn / vit)

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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

In Makassar wurden 86 Prozent der Puskesmas-Dienste zu Hause durchgeführt

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In Makassar wurden 86 Prozent der Puskesmas-Dienste zu Hause durchgeführt


Makassar, Im Jahr 2017 hat das Gesundheitsministerium ein Flaggschiff-Programm der Bewegung für gesunde Lebensgemeinschaft (GERMAS), das sich auf den Aufbau von Gesundheitsfürsorge ausgehend von der Familie konzentrieren wird. Puskesmas wurde zunehmend ermutigt, die Bürger in seinem Haus tatsächlich aktiver zu besuchen, um promotive und präventive Schritte zu machen. In Bezug auf diese Stadt Makassar kann gesagt werden, einen guten Bericht zu haben. Leiter des Gesundheitsamtes der Stadt Makassar dr dr. Naisyah Azikin, MKes, sagte, dass in den Pushkesmas das Gebiet Veränderungen in der Art der erbrachten Dienstleistungen zeigt. Erstens, die meisten Fälle von Morbiditätsbehandlung wurden jetzt in der Heimat von jedem Patienten durchgeführt, ist nicht mehr Dipuskesmas. Das liegt daran, dass jedes puskesmas ein Team hat, das sich auf häusliche Pflegeprogramme spezialisiert hat und seit 2015 weiter evaluiert wird. Laut Dr. Naisyah gibt es 2016 4546 Anrufe für häusliche Pflege von 46 puskesmas. Von dort, das zuhause behandelt wurde, gab es 3755 Fälle, und die verwiesenen dort sind 591 Fälle. Etwa 86 Prozent unserer Fälle werden zu Hause behandelt. In der Tat ist die vorzeitige Durchsetzung dieses Programms schwierig, weil viele nur ngetes Spaß nennen, sagte Dr. Naisyah, als er am Kassi Kassi Public Health Center, Makassar, Süd-Sulawesi, Donnerstag (19/1/2017) traf. Lesen Sie auch: Harte Arbeit Puskesmas Kopo 'Scramble' Patienten mit Dukun Beranak Kassi Kopf von Kassi Puskesmas, Dr. Marathy Jassin, MKes, sagte, dass außerdem ein wachsendes Bewusstsein für die Gesundheit der Gemeinschaft selbst besteht. Besuche in Gesundheitszentren wurden von vielen Bewohnern durchgeführt, die immer noch gesund sind als die Kranken. Allein im Kassi Kassi Health Center können pro Jahr etwa 111 Tausend gesunde Patienten besucht werden. Verglichen mit dem Besuch des kranken Patienten beträgt die Zahl nur 35 Tausend Besuche. Sie kamen nur für einen medizinischen Test zum Beispiel "gestern ich esse Garnelen Dock meine Spannung zu überprüfen" oder "Ich bin glücklich, mit dem Arzt zu sprechen", sagte Dr. Mariatury.Kenapa sie (Bürger - rot) aktiv dank der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen kann nicht unser eigenes sein. Wir umarmen Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens, religiöse Führer, so in den Moscheen wird jede Aktivität puskesmas diumumin sein, schloss Dr. Marathythy.Lesen Sie auch: Puskesmas -Care Health Center in Jakarta: Haben Poly Soul und TB Kebal Drug (fds / vit)





Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Dal peso di 138 Kg. Quindi 98 Kg. Ecco la dieta che ha vissuto Luca


Dal peso di 138 Kg. Quindi 98 Kg. Ecco la dieta che ha vissuto Luca

Jakarta - Il corpo grasso sin dall'infanzia non ha reso Lukas Agustino Sanjaya pigro per vivere in salute. All'età di 27 anni, è stato in grado di applicare una dieta sana per perdere peso fino a 40 kg. Sì, da 138 kg ora gli uomini con un'altezza di 180 cm possono apparire più sicuri con un peso di 98 kg. Vuoi sapere come i trucchi della dieta di Luke? Ecco la storia, come scritto detikHealth giovedì (5/1/2017): da piccolo ero già obeso. Mangio sempre grandi menu di carboidrati. Specialmente i noodles, questo cibo è il mio menu preferito. Fino alla fine di ottobre 2015 ho deciso di cambiare e sostituire la mia intera dieta. L'ho iniziato cercando di mangiare due pasti abbondanti ogni giorno. Il menu è costituito da verdure bollite, contorni di proteine ​​bollite o bruciate e anche da frutti a basso contenuto di zucchero. Non dimenticare che incontro sempre i miei bisogni fluidi con acqua potabile normale. Cambiamento di dieta, ho anche la nge-gym dal lunedì al sabato seguendo la lezione di cardio. Combino anche con esercizi tozzi, che sento il più alto effetto brucia grassi. Infine il mio peso iniziale ha raggiunto i 138 kg, fino a 98 kg. Esattamente è sceso fino a 40 kg. Oltre al peso che scende, sento anche che c'è un cambiamento nella mia vita di tutti i giorni. Non sono stanco, facile trovare la taglia dei vestiti e il mio aspetto per essere migliore. Non mi fermo a questo punto, ma continuerò a ottenere di nuovo risultati migliori. Il mio messaggio, mangia ciò di cui il corpo ha bisogno, non ciò che vuole. Non dimenticare, fai esercizio come se avessimo bisogno di un bagno. Leggi anche: Inizialmente pesa 143 Kg, Ecco come Zulfa perde peso 43 Kg (ajg / vit)